POP UP | Zolder 47 at Hotel de Hallen | Old west area

Vintage, art, fashion & design | Pop-up concept store in Hotel De Hallen

From Thursday the 29th of October until Sunday the 1st of November from 10PM - 6AM Hotel De Hallen organizes ‘’Zolder47’’. This is a pop-up concept store in the lobby of Hotel De Hallen. Arjen van den Hof, hotelier and owner of Vondel Hotels, has collected different art and vintage items from Hotel De Hallen, Hotel Vondel, Hotel Roemer and Hotel JL n°76. Together with Joss Linssen, entrepreneur and co-owner of 2F1L they collected a beautiful collection. When strolling around in the lobby, you can find a combination of unique vintage, contemporary art, lifestyle and fashion items.

Hotel De Hallen
Bellamyplein 47
1053 AT Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 8 208 670
website: Hotel De Hallen 
area: West | Old West | Vondelpark 
Blogpost: De Hallen and Foodhallen
Blogpost: Hotel De Hallen & Remise 47